Leaven /ˈlevən/
• a substance, typically yeast, that is used in dough to make it rise
• a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it for the better

Educational Leadership
Learn more about the services I can offer your educational team.

Methodist Ministry
Is your church in transition? I can help you navigate the process.
Lead Leavening Agent
With more than 25 years of experience in instructional leadership including Coaching, Change Management, and Leadership Development, Linda Nash founded Leaven Coaching to empower people to rise to the next level.
Linda believes that coaching is a process that transforms thinking at all levels – creating individuals and leaders that are confident in their ability to unlock insight, take action and bring about growth. Her coaching methodology is neuroscience-based, process-focused, and outcome driven, making her ideal to help your leadership improve communication and build a shared understanding in communities.
Coaching is a mindset; it is believing that you are your own best resource. Linda’s dedication to the art and practice of coaching is demonstrated in her credentialing through the International Coach Federation (ICF) as a Professional Certified Coach with more than 1,000 hours of experience. She specializes in individual leadership coaching as well as coaching teams and groups in strategic planning and data-based decision making. Linda provides ongoing support nourishing progress through ups and downs.